Happy Father’s Day!

Mikey enjoyed Father’s Day as a Daddy of *two* this year, and although he liked his gifts and dinner with the family, he had LOTS of fun using the excavator he borrowed today. Declan helped and you can imagine how much he loved that! Then we all had a nice afternoon with the family at a local restaurant.

Mom’s school retirement party this week helped to celebrate her accomplishments and send her out in style – Quinlan and Declan were proud to be on hand to congratulate her and to help “keep things lively” as only little ones can do.

We got a new pulley/block & tackle for Declan and we took a series of pictures that could probably be best titled, “No, as a matter of fact, we *don’t* have anything better to do.”

Quinn is growing growing growing and she’s starting to laugh now, grab things, and even play with the spinny bear thing for her bouncy seat. Still very chatty.

Declan continues to deepen his friendships with his imaginary buddies “Big 2” and “Hocalo.” He talks about them all the time (Big 2 has been around since Declan turned two, and Hocalo appeared somewhere along the way, about six months ago). They take turns playing with various trucks, they share meals, then they apparently go home at the end of the day. They are varying sizes, depending on the context, from the size of a nail head to adult height. Declan’s also reasoning in new ways to get what he wants. The other day, when we were visiting some neighbors during our tricycle ride, he received some candy from the husband. His wife scolded him for giving Declan so much candy, and he went back into the house. I continued talking with her out on the porch, and Declan suddenly said, “I’m cold.” It was around 80 degrees out. I knew something was up, but I couldn’t quite figure out what. I suggested he stand in the sun, but he shook his head no. My neighbor grinned knowingly and said, “Oh, you’re cold – do you want to go in the house to warm up?” Declan totally brightened and said “Yes!” Not because he wanted to warm up, but because that’s where her husband and the candy were! As luck would have it, her husband came out right then with a bowl of strawberries for Declan, and amazingly, he wasn’t “cold” anymore! Too funny.

Father’s Day excavation fun

Happy Daddy

Airplane rides after Father’s Day dinner

All the Dads!

Hugs at Grandma’s retirement party

Wow – I can lift a cement block!

Wow – I can lift Daddy!

Wow – I can lift *me*!

Quinn actually playing with something, first time.

Declan cutting flowers at our morning farm program.

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