On The Move!

Quinn is pulling herself up on everything now to a kneeling position, which means our “Quinn-proofing” around the house has risen a few inches. Out of habit, we keep putting items in places that used to be out-of-the-way for her, such as low tables or Declan’s art easel, but now Quinn can access those spots, so it’s like “musical stuff” around here, as we keep moving things around out of her reach.

Declan is growing by leaps and bounds, and at his recent check-up, he weighed in at 38 pounds (17.2 kilos), and his height is 41.25 inches (105 centimeters). He’s still cracking up that our doctor was looking for jellybeans when he checked his ears, didn’t find any, but found M&M’s instead…..(“That’s *crazy* Dr. Denno…….” he kept saying)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quinn’s sort of like our living “preposition” – under, over, around, through…

“Hanging around” in our yard

Playing with Daddy

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