Nine In – Nine Out

Quinlan turns 9 months old this week. Nine months on the “inside,” nine months out in the world. Nine months of being completely enchanted by her big brother is pretty much the way we’d sum things up around here. Many times when we implore Declan to be more gentle while playing with her, she’s laughing and egging him on. Quinn likes her mobility and is developing a bit of a temper about being restrained when she wants to crawl toward some dangerous, deathly object.

Declan’s enjoying the world of jokes! He has two jokes he can tell by himself – one about two apples and one about two atoms walking down the street. Ask him to tell them to you – he’ll be thrilled! Then, as soon as he has delivered the punch line, he tells the joke again, “his” way, which is a bizarre retelling of the joke with a different number of characters who say completely different things with an abrupt ending. So we thought we’d try knock-knock jokes with him since they’re a predictable pattern. Didn’t really work out. Declan thinks the fact that a banana answers the door is funny in itself! So after we say, “Knock knock,” he says, “Who’s there?” and we say, “Banana,” you never really get to “Banana who?” because he’s laughing about the banana part.

Jamming with buddy Livi

Playing outside in the leaves

Quinn wearing the vest….

Declan wearing the vest!

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