“We’ve got cruising…….”

As Mike called to me from the living room the other day, “Honey, we’ve got cruising…..” Quinny is more and more mobile, holding onto stuff and pulling herself along to walk. Declan was already walking when he was her age, but we are in no rush for her to be ambulatory with our upcoming trip on the plane to visit great-grandma in Florida. She is eating table food with increasing zeal, as opposed to just tasting it and playing with it, and she still doesn’t seem to be too phased by all of her teeth coming in. She continues to sleep peacefully from about 8pm to 8am, along with one or two hour-long naps during the day. From the moment she wakes up, she’s on the hunt for big brother Declan! He always wakes up after her, and she’s so excited when she hears his voice coming from the bedroom.

Declan had his first clay class this week and absolutely loved it! He made two pinch pots very quickly, and then he spent the rest of his time making a motorcycle ramp like some of the older kids sitting next to him. I thought up a brilliant idea for car rides, long and short. Before we left for clay class, I told Declan I needed his help to find it, and I drew a Dora-The-Explorer style “map” with three features on it we would be encountering on the way: a covered bridge, a metal bridge, and a stop light. He was so excited to find each item, even the one I screwed up since I’ve only lived here for 20 years and I forgot you can’t see the covered bridge from the road we were on. He felt involved as a “navigator” and we had lots of fun following our map.

Last night, Declan was asking me a question, and I just couldn’t understand all of the words he was saying, or the concept he was trying to convey. So he stopped, looked at me, and said, “I know it’s confusing….” then asked again. Cracked me up!

Snack time

Declan’s first clay class

All ready for mommy’s daily walk/run

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