“Chick” Out Kyle!

Kyle is game for anything! Energy for endless preschool games, patience while Quinn warms up to him s-l-o-w-l-y, and even willing to carry chickens around!

Here are some shots of Kyle helping us to put the chicks away in the coop. Yes, “put away.” It’s a little ridiculous. The two adult hens are making it tough for the chicks to roost in the coop, they keep flapping their feathers or something, anyway there’s lots of commotion around bedtime, so the chicks have now taken to roosting on our front porch every evening! When they get sleepy, we lift each one up and carry them to the coop where they all work it out until the morning. (Chickens are very mellow at night.)

Moving the chickens to the coop

Quinn gets more comfortable being near Kyle, AND she gets to pet a chick, which she can’t do anymore because they always run away.

Quinn is obsessed with all vehicles, wants to pretend to drive them, ride in them, climb around in them. She tried getting into the van as Sal, Olga, and Kyle headed back home last night, but Kyle was in the way since he was in the backseat. She had to override her anxiety about him to get in the car, and she did! She let him hold her while she tried to get in the car. Too cute!

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