Cape May Vacation

We finally took a little family vacation to Cape May (originally scheduled for August but postponed due to some of Mike’s work commitments) and had a great visit. The weather was unbelievably warm (80’s in October!) and we enjoyed lots of time in the sand and sun, as well as a stop at the local zoo and playground.

We found these beach treasures while looking for seashells

Rockin’ and rollin’ at the shore

Declan invented a game called “Jump Barnacles” where you jump over the wave coming in, then run to catch the next one. Or something like that. I kept losing…

Declan just received this gift of sidewalk chalk paint – he was so excited to try it out at Gemma and Papa’s Cape May house in their paved driveway. D and Daddy played lots of Tic Tac Toe together.

Quinn thought the sidewalk paint was cool, too!


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