Here are some pix of the kids’ Halloween Party, followed by trick-or-treating at four homes in our neighborhood. Declan was a Transformer, “Optimus Prime” (the good guy) and Quinn was a kitty cat.
Declan in his full get-up and buddy Olin
Lining up for the Halloween pinata!
Here’s Pirate Mike following a family tradition….clearly a Salerno can’t have a party without fixing something!
Trick-or-treating at the first house!
Quinny caught on to trick-or-treating pretty quickly — our neighbor held out the bowl of Kit Kat’s, and Declan politely took one and put it in his bag, said thank you. Quinn took one, put it in her bag, then picked up two more while we were all talking on the porch. We headed out to the next house before she could go for handful number 3.
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