
The garage construction has begun! Info in the captions accompanying the first several photos.

Some Declan-isms to share……
– while he was showering this week, Declan said he had washed his “legpits” — can anyone guess where he was referencing? (*Answer below!)
– Declan has been interested in doing lots of writing lately, including numeric equations. He likes to write things like 1+8, 2+3, etc. but not solve them, just write them up and talk about them. At one point after writing out a whole series of them, he turned to me with this look of love and said, “Isn’t ‘plussing’ fun, Mom?!”

Step one — the wood delivery! (That’s Mike and Sal on the bottom right.)

The first posts get raised.

I’ve been making lunch for the guys – clockwise, you see Sal with Quinny eating his lunch; George Abetti, our builder from Vermont, a former pastor; Mike; Bob, crewmember, from Michigan, father to 4, an assistant priest in the orthodox church; and Dan, crewmember, from Ithaca, a ceramics artist, used to teach Arabic, married to a woman studying for her doctorate in economics at Cornell, met her while living in Palestine for 3 years. It’s been nice getting to know these folks a little bit since they’ve been here.

A shot of Mike and Sal on-the-job. Mike’s been pretty tied up at work lately, and Sal’s been here every day pitching in labor as well as tools – thanks, Sal!!

Here’s a shot of Mike shoveling off the latest round of sleet/freezing rain while D hammers in a few popped nails.

Just to give you guys a sense of placement of this thing – our house is there on the left, and the garage will be around the circle on the right.

Now, for the people who prefer kid pix to garage updates….

Declan helped me clean the other day, so proud of making “shiny” letters with his mop.

Quinn’s expressions along with the two ponytails really got me one morning – she’s just beaming.

*LEGPITS, as defined by Declan, are the areas behind our knees. But then you knew that!

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