Cooper’s Hawk vs. Hen, Hen Loses

We lost our first hen to a natural predator this week. A Cooper’s Hawk (they’re huge!) grabbed our black and white Barred Rock hen with its talons, then seems to have lost its grip in flight. Mike found the wounded hen later on, hiding behind our house. Upon closer inspection, he saw a big chunk was missing from her back, along with some punctures in her neck. We agreed that the merciful thing to do was to end her suffering. Mike took care of the bird and we breasted her, appreciating her sacrifice in some soup the next day.

The good news is that we’re starting to see an increase in egg production! Spring must be coming.

For those who were wondering, we won’t be producing maple syrup this year. I was overwhelmed by the garage construction and my monthly healing retreats, and I just couldn’t manage another big task this season. I’m gearing up for next year and looking forward to identifying more maples on our property in the meantime.

D wanted to make heart-shaped donuts one morning. I rarely work with hot oil and was afraid of frying our faces off, but I took the plunge and we gave it a go. It was easy, and they were delicious! Buttermilk donuts with chocolate frosting. YUM!!

Quinny and buddy Emily enjoying some hot cocoa together.

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