Here A Chick, There A Chick

We picked up our new batch of 8 chicks this week, each one a different breed:
Araucana, Buff Orpington, White Rock, Silver Wyndotte, White Brahma, Barred Rock, Black Australorp, and New Hampshire Red.

For the next few weeks, they’ll be in a box in our downstairs bathroom under a heatlamp, 95-100 degrees, and we’ll lower the temperature by about 5 degrees each week until they feather out. They they’ll be in a slightly bigger box, no lamp, continuing to grow. When they’re bigger, we’ll put them outside in the coop with their own run (separated from the mature hens). Finally, when they’re a bit larger, sometime this summer, they’ll begin to free-range. They should start laying eggs sometime this fall.

At the store looking at all of the chicks.

Declan picked all of them out himself with a patient employee. “No, not that one, that one….”

We can’t stop staring at the chicks now that we’ve got them home. They’re so cute!! Declan went to work immediately on decorating their new digs with a stick, some rocks, and a Spiderman puzzle-box for a “couch.”

D loves picking them up and cuddling them.

Night-night, chicks!

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