We lost our Brown Leghorn chicken this week to a neighbor dog from down the street who attacked while wandering through our yard. I scared it away, not knowing at the time that it had messed with our birds, and I found “Chipmunky” later that morning on her side, but still alive. I couldn’t see any wounds at the time, so I righted her, carried her over to the coop by some food and water, and she seemed to improve during the rest of the day. Mike found her the next morning dead on the floor of the coop when he opened it up. Four hens left. Mike moved the coop inside of the dog fence to encourage them to run inside when attacked by predators, since dogs can’t get in.
The eight baby chicks are doing well, feathering out, and growing so fast! Only one has retained the original chick cuteness, the White Brahma. She’s kind of the runt of the pack right now, which made a lot more sense after I looked up her breed today, and it’s one known to mature slowly. The rest of the ones we have mature on the early side. So, she’ll need the light longer than the others will, slower to grow, etc.
The kids are loving this divine spring weather and appreciating the (finally!) coat-free temperatures.
Demonstrating superhero moves with Olin.
Quinn discovers soccer-gear-as-accessories during D’s weekly practice.
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