D is excited that he was able to teach himself how to snap this week, and on both hands! Hooray!
Quinn and I closed out our gluten/casein-free diet last Friday and had pizza and Freihofer chocolate chip cookies for the first time in months! (Reflections on that in my KitchenOrTheEgg.com blog.) It’s nice to be back to our normal meal choices, but I am also glad to be more aware about our family’s preferred foods and snack/tendencies and to use a wider variety of grains/less dairy in our routine.
I took Quinn for a haircut at my friend’s house, who is a stylist with a salon in her home. Quinn screamed, struggled, and pushed away whenever Stephanie got near her, so it was a no-go. But Declan seemed interested and curious. Turns out Declan agreed to a trim for his dead ends, then after it was finished, he asked for her to make it shorter. Eventually, over a course of four haircuts, he declared it “finished” and now has a cute shag that he’s happy with.
Finally, my annual update for folks who have been asking, Q is a size 4T, size 8.5-9 shoes, and Declan is a size 5-6 now, size 1 shoe. She loves all things Dora, Diego, Max & Ruby, Play-Doh, anything alphabet-related, cats, dogs, bunnies, and chocolate milk. D loves all things related to building/constructing, superheroes, gymnastics, and creating stuff in our kitchen, from bubble gum to volcanoes.
Quinn surprised us with an impromptu performance after dinner.
D loves to make pancakes/burgers/Krabby Patties. His favorite part is the flipping.
Mum’s the word!
Gemma clipped some mums for Quinn from her garden. Some of them actually survived toddler-grip and made it home to our kitchen table!
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