It’s almost here! The end of the chocolate Advent calendars means Christmas is TOMORROW! The kids are so excited!
We love that Mike has the flexibility to telecommute sometimes. Here’s a picture of him working at home today… 😀
Lucky Declan got to spend the afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese with his friend Cianan, in honor of Ci’s 5th birthday today. After he got home, Mike took him to the store to buy a Nintendo DS (“dual screen”) handheld game system and the game “Kirby.” Declan was thrilled to be able to purchase the DS with his *very own money* from his scarf sales!
While the boys were out, Quinn and I made the pieces for our gingerbread house.
We used a different recipe for the mortar this year, and we’re not confident the thing will stay together. But it was a lot of fun to make and decorate!
This year, our holiday preparations included elements from other traditions. At sundown, we light a menorah each night (I made my first *successful* batch of latkes on Sunday!), we’ve been lighting our Advent wreath, and we had a winter solstice candle on Sunday.
Declan and Quinn made cookies for Santa and cut carrots for the reindeer. Quinn loved this part! “MORE CARROTS, MOM!!’
Finally, the end of the evening…setting up the refreshment stand for Santa. Quinn had a hard time understanding big brother’s urgent pleading to put. the. cookie. back. on. that. plate. Their letter to Santa this year reads as follows:
Dear Santa,
Do you like the cookies? I hope I get some Christmas money. I hope your reindeers like the carrots. And I hope you like the milk. I hope you like our Christmas tree, too.
Declan and Quinn
Merry Christmas!