Happy 1st Birthday, Quinlan!

What a wonderful first year for Ms. Quinn! In addition to embarking into the world of solid foods and crawling, she has graced the media in a variety of ways. During these past 12 months, Quinn appeared in the newspaper and on television for her elimination communication/natural infant hygiene/diaper-free experience, and she was mentioned on a variety of websites for her unique and special birth story.

An easy-going traveler, Quinny has spent time with loving family in Florida, Georgia, and New Hampshire, and she has two rounds of frequent flyer miles under her belt.

Her favorite activities in the world are climbing up and down stairs, taking baths/showers/going swimming – anything to do with water, and playing with Declan. (When Declan’s not around, Mommy and Daddy are tolerable substitutes.)

She grew from 9 pounds, 6 oz. to 29 pounds this year! Her dark rich head of hair never shed but is now shades lighter and shoulder-length.

She bobs up and down to music and is very chatty, although no discernable words yet. Her typical mood is energetic and happy, she likes to spend time exploring on her own but also likes to regroup with Mom when she needs a break.

Quinn had her first fever on the eve of her 1st birthday, and these past two nights, she has never slept worse in her life! She is *loud* when she protests about being prevented from doing something she wants, such as chewing the remote or investigating the dogs’ eyes by trying to poke her finger inside.

We feel so blessed to have Quinlan and Declan in our lives, and to have all of you surrounding us with your love and care. “Huzzah!” as we enter into our second year together as a family of four!

Our birthday princess at one year……

and way back, at one week old!

Playing with birthday balloons from godparents Aunt Tracey, Uncle Jim, and Baby Luca

Enjoying more balloons at her family tea party last Saturday

Her favorite birthday present – climbing up and down the stairs around a million times

Declan at one year

Three years later, helping baby sister blow out her candle

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