On The Chicken Band Wagon

(OK. so puns don’t come as easily to me as they do my mom…I wanted something that included wagons, that’s the best I could come up with.)

We had a nice visit up in Schenectady with Grandma, Grandpa, and Gumpa. In the rec-room at Gumpa’s assisted-living facility, Declan discovered Ping-Pong, then invented something I call Ping-Pong extreme, where he used two paddles at once. Then he played a game with Gumpa he made up at the pool table he named, “Battle Cue Ball,” whose rules and aims are kind of confusing to everyone except Declan. Instead of using cue sticks, they used their hands, and sometimes a Ping-Pong paddle. Anyway, you can probably guess who kept winning all of the Battle Cue Ball battles during our visit…

Afterwards, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for dinner and playtime outside. Declan and I were talking about presents, and I said, “You can get me a present for Mother’s Day if you want to – it’s coming soon!” He took a break and played basketball in the backyard, then came back to me and asked, “Mommy, when’s ‘Boy’s Day’?” Too cute!

Mike was home this week trying to recover from another horrible cold. When he started feeling better, he built a little run for the chicks AND a new coop to hold all of our poultry friends. Since the current coop we’re borrowing from Nikki and Mike holds six birds, we’ll need something bigger when the chicks are big and feathered enough to go live outside without the heat lamp. The chicks have changed so much in one week, it’s incredible. From soft down to feathers, longer legs, and getting tails.

We’ve been getting eggs every day, and Declan has been keeping a count with white beans in a jar, adding one bean for every egg he collects. So far, we’ve gotten 23 eggs!

Declan takes Quinn for a spin at Grandma and Grandpa’s house

But it was a little harder pulling Grandpa!

Quinny takes a turn at giving wagon-rides, too! Here she is with buddies Dennis and Willa, friends who came over to play and see the baby chicks.

Building the coop with Daddy

The old saw, “NOT MY PROJECT,” suckers three generations into helping out with the coop.

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