Georgia On My Mind…

We had a great trip to Georgia for cousin Ian’s high school graduation! Hooray, Ian! (Same day as Papa’s birthday!)

While we were there, we enjoyed introducing Quinlan to her Aunt Linda, Aunt Marsha, Uncle Steven, Aunt Hattie, and cousins Ian, Kyle, and Andy, as well as having the chance to spend some time with Gemma and Papa who were down south for the occasion. Declan thought he was a teenager hanging out with his cousins and had fun playing games according to his OWN rules, having stories read to him, and rough-housing. They were so sweet to him – you guys are awesome! I remember holding Andy and Kyle when they were babies like Quinlan, and Ian must have been around Declan’s age when I met him, and now he’s out of high school, drives, has a job…all grown up.

The flights each way were uneventful; Quinn nursed and slept for most of them, and Declan was delighted to discover the “Pez” candy machine as part of his plane ride surprise stash. Unfortunately, the airline lost Declan’s car seat on the way back, but luckily, Mike thought to bring the extra one so we got home alright. Should have the seat back sometime within the next day or two. Could have been worse.

Can’t wait to see everyone again!

Ian’s graduation party cake

Little traveler

Quinn meets Aunt Linda

Declan enjoying play-time with Kyle and Ian

Quinlan and Kyle

Looking at the penguins with Daddy at the Georgia Aquarium

Kisses from Aunt Marsha and Andy

Doting auntie

Playing catch with Kyle, Daddy and Ian

Quinn’s first pool

“Push me, Ian!”

Three generations

Sleeping in Gemma’s arms


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