We loved our start of the new year! We began the day with a fun, delicious brunch with Gemma, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, along with good buddies Luca, Norah, and their parents.
Later that afternoon, Mike, Declan, Quinn, and I went ice skating. It was Declan’s first time, and Mike’s and my first time in probably over 20 years! We were nicely equipped with the wonderful skates Grandma scored for all of us off of eBay. After a few scary laps, and a couple of helpful hints from a good skater who kept going around her, Erica finally remembered how to skate, Mike got a little better as well, and Declan? Well, he’s a natural. He was skating and pushing the balance bar all by himself after only a couple of laps. At one point he turned to me and said, “Mommy – I’m skating just like in my book!” At the end of our time there, Mike and I were taking off our skates, and we heard Declan say, “Look – I can run in my skates!” and we looked up to see him running down the hall, in his ice skates, no problem, like he was wearing sneakers or something. Amazing. Mike and I took turns holding Quinny on the sidelines, and she seemed to enjoy watching us glide around as she listened to the rockin’ hits they seem to play a lot at ice and roller skating places.
Happy New Year!
Post-brunch fun with Luca
Skating 1
Skating 2