Quinlan’s Two Months Old!

Quinlan is two months old now and we’ve been getting more and more smiles, coos, gurgles, and “talking” sounds. We can’t stop touching her amazingly soft hair, and her “do” is the main subject of conversation with people when we’re out and about at the store or on the street, as in “Wow – look at all that hair!” Quinn still sleeps a lot, nurses a lot, cries once in a while, and the EC is still going smoothly – she tells me when she has to go potty, she goes, and if she had a diaper on, it’s often still dry. Declan is still as enamored as ever with his baby sister and enjoys when we reminisce about his own babyhood, comparing nursing to eating ice cream now, or lying down to riding a tricycle, etc.

Talking to Papa.

“Can I hold her, mommy?” Declan asks this all the time and takes supporting her head very seriously.

Saying goodbye after visiting buddy Emily (3 mos.).

Hanging with fellow big brother Olin……….

and Olivia, who all have new little siblings, too!

Baseball, but with a huge ball!

Declan works hard at this project almost every day, “fixing” the patio door.

No way does rain stop this kid! There’s digging to be done!

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