For weeks, Declan has been asking to play violin. We promised that he would have a chance to do that with Grandma Chase during our next visit up to Schenectady. It’s a little big, but he was in heaven. Then he made Grandma take a turn. Is this music stuff in the genes, or what?!
First time holding and playing a violin!
After “Lunch and Listen” concert time with Grandma, we visited Great-Grandpa (“Gumpa”) and Declan invented some map game where he would shine Gumpa’s flashlight on a spot and Gumpa would name it.
Just a fun pic to add to the end – Declan and friend Cianan “We’re working hard, mommy!” doing important things with tools and that ever-important ear protection.
Someday soon I will figure out how to upload pictures of our AWESOME new niece, Kai Lian, George and Vanessa’s daughter, so you can all see her. Sorry for the delay – but believe me, she’s worth the wait!!