Happy New Year!
(FYI, I’m working on updating my WyldAcres.com and KitchenOrTheEgg.com websites, so no blogging over there for the time being.)
This part’s called ” ‘Out with the old, in with the new’ meets ‘Careful what you wish for’ “…
I have been asking Mike about taking down the old ugly eyesore gray tarp “temporary” garage thing almost since he put it up, but definitely more since the barn went up. Well, the latest ice storm brought the thing down, doing irreparable damage. : ) So it was an even worse eyesore for a while until it was dismantled. And now, all of the crap that was behind it, waiting for spring clean-up (i.e. free dump day) is visible. Until spring. Mike enjoys grinning and saying, “Hey, *you* wanted it down…..it’s down!”
Here’s the ugly one, post-storm, before Mike and Declan took it apart and brought it to the dump/recycling.
We had a nice “social night” recently, a dinner playdate we used to do weekly with Tracey/Jim/Luca and Nikki/Mike/Norah, but now schedules make it impossible to do more than once in a while. Here are Norah and Declan playing Wedgits at Luca’s house.
Two of Quinn’s favorite things – her Hello Kitty boots from Grandma, and a baseball hat that looks like Mike’s but might be stolen goods from Papa. She just looked hysterical.
After getting iced out on my birthday, we tried again and made it over to the New York Botanical Garden Train Show and had a blast. Since most of my shots are of the back of D’s head as he pointed gleefully to the trains that whizzed around the greenhouse, here are two shots of Quinny. (Mike did a great job on her hair!)
She backs up into Mike’s legs, holds up her arms, and says, “UP HIGH!” until she gets up there. Best view in the house!
Sledding while snacking on snow.
Buddy Cianan (left) and D (right) on a forest adventure out back.