Declan and Quinn love ice-skating, and D loves the idea of hockey. He’s still developing his skating skills, the rinks don’t allow sticks and pucks during the public skate time, and he doesn’t want to wear all of the hockey gear to take lessons, so we haven’t pursued much in the way of this sport. He was THRILLED to finally have a chance to mess around with a real hockey stick and puck at our friend’s backyard rink last weekend. The adults invited him to play in their pick-up game and he was beyond ecstatic. He waited outside when everyone else went in for dinner and to warm up, because he didn’t want to miss anything when they came back out. I’ve never seen him so completely and utterly caught up in something to this extreme.
A relaxing morning of yoga….. ; )
Declan and Olin, defenders of the universe!
Emmy turned three this week! Here they are, with Emmy’s cat Sheena.
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