Happy Thanksgiving 2006!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did! We gathered at Gemma and Papa’s house with Grandma, Grandpa, and Gumpa, and after singing a hearty rendition of Declan’s favorite grace (“Appleseed”), we ate…and ate…we sang Happy Birthday to Grandma…and ate some more. Last Turkey Day, we were filled with the anticipation of welcoming Quinn in a few months, as well as cousin Kai in a few *weeks*! Now that they’re here, we felt like we were extra-blessed this year.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Playing on Gemma’s cool antique floor display digger (adorable vest specially made for him by her, too!)

Taking turns with Gumpa for the remote control race car as Quinn chases after it

Laughing with Papa

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On The Move!

Quinn is pulling herself up on everything now to a kneeling position, which means our “Quinn-proofing” around the house has risen a few inches. Out of habit, we keep putting items in places that used to be out-of-the-way for her, such as low tables or Declan’s art easel, but now Quinn can access those spots, so it’s like “musical stuff” around here, as we keep moving things around out of her reach.

Declan is growing by leaps and bounds, and at his recent check-up, he weighed in at 38 pounds (17.2 kilos), and his height is 41.25 inches (105 centimeters). He’s still cracking up that our doctor was looking for jellybeans when he checked his ears, didn’t find any, but found M&M’s instead…..(“That’s *crazy* Dr. Denno…….” he kept saying)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quinn’s sort of like our living “preposition” – under, over, around, through…

“Hanging around” in our yard

Playing with Daddy

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Quinny’s Television Debut!

The piece on Diaper Free Babies aired this week on the Fox 23 News Albany station and we’ve watched it around a million times! Quinn has enjoyed her fifteen minutes of fame (more like four and a half minutes…) and looks forward to her next photo-opp. The segment is currently still available for viewing on-line at fox23news.com: scroll down and click on “Video On Demand,” after that, scroll down to “Special Assignment Videos” and look for “Diaper Free Baby” and “Diaper Free Baby 2” to click on.

Two of Quinn’s favorites – Declan, and swinging!

Good, clean fun!

Playing “musical jars” with Olivia

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Quinn’s Eight Months Old!

Quinny turns 8 months old this week! She’s a regular chatterbox like her brother, only she’s harder to understand. She’s crawling up a streak and pulling up on everything (and occasionally pulling everything down!).

As some of you heard, our local Fox News people came to our home recently for a piece about Elimination Communication/Diaper Free Babies. Some of us spoke with them after our Diaper Free Baby support group meeting, and the segment should be aired sometime this month! We’ll let you know when we find out. We were told we’d receive a video as well, so we’ll be sure to pass it along to anyone interested.

We were riding in the car, and I asked if Declan wanted a cookie. I passed back a small bag of oatmeal raisin cookies. He opened the bag, took one out, laughed out loud, and said, “This is not a cookie!” I said, yes, it was. His reply: “You’re teasing me, mommy. This is not a cookie – there’s no chocolate in it!” and handed the bag back to me, laughing, like I’d played a joke on him. Gulp. Wonder where he got the chocolate thing from…..hmmmmm…..

Here are some pix from our recent visit up to Schenectady.

Laughing with Grandpa

Smiling with Grandma

Playing pool with Gumpa

Crawling with Gumpa

Fox News “interviews” Quinlan

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Happy Halloween 2006!

We had a great time celebrating Halloween this year! Declan’s at an age where we can anticipate and get excited about future events and he was thrilled to receive a cool lion costume from Grandma Chase! Quinn enjoyed her adorable ladybug costume from Grandma, plus it was easy for her to crawl around in it – something of paramount importance in her life!

We started out by co-hosting with a friend a Halloween Party at our home, complete with a craft, songs, and thematic food (“Mummy Thumbs” for hotdogs in crescent rolls and Halloween themed-shaped bread for the sandwiches). It was awesome having Gemma, Papa, and Grandma at the party! Then Erica took Declan and Quinn trick-or-treating to a few houses on our street. Each stop turned into a long visit: Declan took off his costume and played, people fawned over Quinn, we got D suited up again, then on to the next house. We did about 5 houses, and it took 2 1/2 hours. Then we drove into town and watched the Halloween parade, ran into lots of friends, and got a few more treats for Declan’s pumpkin. THEN we went to the Salerno’s to help celebrate Gemma’s birthday with cake and singing! What a day! Needless to say, we all slept VERY well that night – what a wonderful day!

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Cape May Off-Season

We LOVE Cape May in the off-season and took a little visit to see Gemma and Papa down there. We found lots of horseshoe crabs, cool shells, and felt like we had the place all to ourselves.

Our own little crab

Land ho……..

Seashore kisses

Boy on Buoy

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Comments disabled

Due to the high amount of spam we’ve been getting posted in the comments section, I’ve turned them off for now. We’re sorry about this as we love getting the comments, but we prefer not to advertise for various “unsavory” places on the internet. I’ll be looking into some better solutions in the near future.

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Apple Picking, Hayrides…..

The kids and I had a great time this week at a playgroup at our friend’s orchard – apple picking complete with hayride! We also got to pick strawberries IN OCTOBER, which was amazing. We tried to save some for Daddy, but somehow they all got gobbled up between the strawberry field and the end of the hayride. Later that day, we drove down to Port Jervis to meet Erica’s friend and former colleague from Eldred, “Tia Linda” Pomes (“Aunt Linda” in Spanish which is what she teaches). We had fun together at the cool ice cream shop, catching up over yummy treats.

Quinn just completed her first set of Total Immersion swim lessons ( http://www.totalimmersion.net ) and true to her Pisces sign, she’s a little fish. Nothing seems to phase her, even the underwater head dips. Erica’s saving up to enroll her for another series of classes.

Declan’s continuing to practice his logic. For example, something will come up about deer, and he’ll say, “Deer don’t bite.” And I say, “Well, they might bite if they’re afraid of you, but usually they just run off, first.” Then he says, “Yeah, they run away. They don’t bite you when they run away.” I’m like, well, um, I guess. Sure.

Apple picking

Quinn meets Linda

Playtime outside

Declan and buddy Cate at our singalong this week

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“…On A Bicycle Built For…D!”

Today was Declan’s lucky day – his mama scored a sweet little bike for him for $5, complete with training wheels, at a yard sale on our way home from church. Too cute, seeing the little guy riding on a bicycle. He loves it and he’s doing a great job on it so far. We’ll still be using our tricycle for hikes and such, but we’ll try to fit in lots of bicycle time before the snow flies, too.

Quinn’s increasingly effective pincer grasp is directly helping to keep my floors cleaned and vacuumed on a regular basis, since she crawls across the room for the tiniest little whatever that she sees on the floor, then tries to put it in her mouth.

After around a two-week break due to schedule changes, I finally resumed my Pilates class and outdoor walks this week – funny how much my mood improved after that……duh. It’s been great having friends remind me to do this when I’d forgotten.

Last Sunday, Mike and I hosted a Fall Fest 2006 event for our website, hudsonvalleyparents.com as well as open to the public, and we raised $600 for a local charity called Family. We’re hoping to make this an annual event, getting people together “off-line” to have fun with their families for an afternoon, while helping to support a good cause. Despite the grim weather reports and the torrential rains that morning, the event was well-attended, and there wasn’t a drop of rain throughout the entire afternoon. The children’s band, our friends Dog On Fleas even played outside! Here’s a picture below of Declan enjoying the hayride Daddy did.

First bike ride!

Hanging out on the front steps

Enjoying Daddy’s hayride at Fall Fest 2006!

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It’s October

So, exactly 12 hours after I wrote the last blog about how Quinn doesn’t exactly “crawl” but she sort of crawls and definitely gets around, well, she started crawling a regular crawl, as in officially alternating arms and legs. And Declan now says the number 5 every time he counts to 10. What will I be “lying” about this week? Hmmmmmmm….I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

In addition to crawling now, Quinn is starting to pull herself up on things, and sometimes pull them down. Like garbage cans. So now all of our garbage cans are in crazy places so munchkin won’t tip them over and eat the contents. Speaking of eating, she sure likes to eat. Just not babyfood. I had plans about her food strategies, different from Declan’s but strategies nonetheless, mostly aligned along the lines of the Weston A. Price diet. But after fighting with her over my chicken parm the other night then finally giving her some, and carelessly distracting her with some suddenly-addictive apple cider yesterday, I’m seeing that it will just work out and to worry about other things. Like Declan.

Declan needs more one-on-one time with his mom, and that’s obviously hard to do right now. He’s been completely potty-trained for over a year, but lately he’s had a few pee accidents while one of us is right there. I guess because it’s attention, even if it’s negative attention. He still remains super-affectionate toward Quinn. Living with the constant up’s and down’s of a three-year old are hard for me. I remember his turning one as being a real challenge for me, but this is more. On the upside, he is completely interested in letters and numbers and is beginning to write them on his own. He likes to hold our hands as we write, then try it on his own, with astonishing results. We’re doing some at-home preschool work with our buddy Olivia and they work well together learning about sounds and attaching them to letters and numbers. It’s been fun singing songs with him – he’s initiating them more and more, and listening to the words more if we play a CD. This morning we were singing “3 Blind Mice,” and oh, the questions. “What’s blind?….Then how did they run if they couldn’t see?….Why did she cut off their tails?…What’s a carving knife?) And nonsense songs, he’ll ask, “Why did he ride a snail? You can’t ride a snail – that’s SILLY!” or “What’s a paddywack…”

Quinn did something interesting the other night. I was reading a catalog in the living room, she was crawling around, then headed to the bathroom. Then she released a cry. I craned my neck to see that she was alright, saw that she was fine, then went back to reading. She came crawling back over to me and promptly peed on the floor. I was stunned. I think she wanted to go potty, in the bathroom, and I essentially ignored her request. (So much for the “communication” part of EC…) Six months old. Who would have thought. According to her recent check-up, she weighs 20 pounds, 11 ounces (9.4 kilos), and she’s 29 1/4″ long (.74 metres).

The baby’s asleep here in my arms as I write this, and Declan’s upstairs asleep…ah, peace….what did I get so mad about today again……….??? Tomorrow’s another day. My good friend reminded me that when I get frustrated, I do well being outside. She advised me to get out tomorrow and take a hike with the kids. I think we’ll do that. Have a good week!

It’s apple season! Making applesauce for Quinn.

Giddy for Gemma!

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