We’ve Got….Crawling!

Quinn is officially crawling. Well, technically she moves and wiggles around and sort of crawls, but basically she can get anywhere she wants to. Very quickly. So much for the “piles on the floor” organization system Erica had mastered…. : ) Declan’s level of concern about her chewing on his stuff has risen exponentially. And of course, she always prefers his stuff to her stuff. And so it begins!

Declan is counting to 10 pretty much right on, now, which means he usually includes the number 5 finally, after skipping it for some reason for a long time. His favorite question right now is, “What do (name animal here) eat?” as in “What do tigers eat?” I am currently researching the answer to “What do moths eat?” He generally likes it when the answer is not “people food” because then he doesn’t have to worry about meals getting snatched away.

Here’s a photo of Quinn on a recent Parent/Baby hike Erica led

We took a trip up to Schenectady to visit Gumpa, Grandma, and Grandpa. Here’s Declan taking in a customary game of pool with his great grandpa.

Quinn and Gumpa

After weeks and weeks of pining away for a scooter after his friend Liam got one, Declan received one as a surprise gift from Grandma, and he’s had such fun with it! My friend and I took the boys to SUNY New Paltz to ride them around, much to the amusement of the students there.

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Mike and Declan have been working hard on the yard on the side of the house, adding new topsoil and grading it so we can grow grass there. Quinn waved “bye-bye” for the first time this week. We’ve been re-teaching Declan (and ourselves!) a few sign language gestures to use with Quinn. He loves to feed his sister, then he does the sign for “more” to see if she wants another bite.

Working hard with Daddy

A post-yogurt pic

Making music with buddy Norah (15 mos.)

After D’s friend Olivia got her face painted at a local farm festival, Declan got his done for the first time ever. When the artist finished the first side and asked if he wanted a design on the other cheek, Olivia answered yes for him, and, well, here’s the result. He loved having these pictures on his face and was sad to wash them off.

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Cape May

Erica and the kids had a nice little visit to Cape May to see Gemma and Papa this week. We took in the sights, including the Cape May Point Light House, the local nature center, some sandy beach time, delicious seafood, and a bit of shopping in the pedestrian mall in the village.

Quinn’s second tooth, next to the first one on the bottom, is just breaking through. She is still working out how to crawl – she knows it involves the back legs, tries moving one around, then collapses and starts over. Declan keeps showing her, which is pretty funny. She loves her ever-expanding world of solids and can’t get enough plain yogurt, Mommy’s stew, or Gemma’s homemade soup. We tried giving her the whole egg, instead of just the yolk, and that didn’t work out as well. She got a little blotchy around her mouth and puked a couple of times.

Declan is in that stage where he’s both highly imaginative as well as totally literal. I feel like all of those expressions and idioms I use without even thinking about them are called into question constantly. While we were eating our dinner with the Salerno’s at the Lobster House in Cape May one night, I’d mentioned in the conversation something about “missing the boat.” Declan looked around at the boats nearby, then looked back and me and kept asking, “Missing what boat, mommy? You’re not missing any boats….”

I’m looking forward to teaching Sunday School this year for the 3-5 year olds, and continuing to do Toddler Church about once a month or so on an alternating schedule. That starts next week, and I’m excited about implementing more of the Montessori Godly Play format with the kids.

Mike’s been working hard on all fronts – at the office as well as at home. This weekend he did some grading in the side yard so we can have a grassy lawn area instead of gravel right next to the house.

Have a great week!

Visiting the antique Cape May fire truck

Visiting the antique Cape May fire truck…..when Declan was 8 months old! Thought you’d get a kick out of a retro pic.

Beach time with Papa

Wave jumping with Gemma

Climbing the tree, picking figs in the back yard of the cottage

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Just came back from our last trip to Whitefield, NH until next summer. Quinn enjoyed her first visit to Polly’s Pancake Parlor, an annual ritual for our family. Declan and his cousin Alex played long and hard each day, they had such a good time together. When we left, he looked so upset. I asked if he was sad to leave Whitefield, and he said yes. I asked if he missed houses or people. He didn’t answer, and I dropped it. A little while later, he said out of nowhere, “Mommy, I miss the houses and the people.” “Which people do you miss, honey?” “Grandma and Grandpa and Alex.” As you can see, we can’t wait to go back next year!

Quinlan and Declan riding Trot-Trot at Polly’s

Wow – chocolate chip pancakes!

Hiking hugs with Alex

Hanging out at End Hut cottage

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Quinn’s Six Months Old!

Quinn turns *six months old* this week! And we just discovered her first tooth breaking through! Front, lower right. So far, she seems to be taking her new chomper in stride. Declan never really had issues with teething pain – could we be this lucky again?! We’ll see. Her appetite is growing, and she’s been enjoying all kinds of local in-season foods that she can hold herself, like a fresh peach or apple. She also drinks soft boiled egg yolk from a small shot glass. Quinn’s favorite “chew toy” is currently cleaned, cooked chicken bones (leftover from stews and broth). Our approach to solids this time around is a baby-led feeding style, where she isn’t fed with a spoon, but rather eats prepared food she can get into her mouth herself. With this method, she can determine whether she wants to simply explore a taste or texture, or actually eat it, as well as decide the amount and when she’s “done,” just like when she breastfeeds.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the connection between solids and breastfeeding and babies’ rates of development. I wonder if there might be a link between the foods I eat, the way they taste through my breastmilk, the solids she can manipulate by herself, and solids she can’t. I also think about the foods that are available seasonally when a baby demonstrates readiness to eat solids. Are there true universal “first” foods for babies, or might they vary depending on when the baby is ready to eat them? Quinn was born in March, and she began solids in the summer. Locally, we have all kinds of amazing produce available to us, and that’s what we’ve been feeding her, with some banana and avocado thrown in. Does it matter if a baby eats something fresh and local like I’m doing and it’s reflected in both aspects of her diet, breastmilk or solids, or if she eats something grown and processed someplace else which is not reflected or “echoed” in my milk? Do babies who begin solids in the winter do better with stored grains or root vegetables as first foods if that’s what the mother’s eating?

As far as movement, Quinn is still focused on crawling but hasn’t worked out all of the coordination yet. She’s got the position, the rocking back and forth, sometimes even “bunny hopping” to move forward by pushing on her back legs to lurch ahead. We’re currently experiencing lots of success with the Elimination Communication (EC) catching pees and poops, even at night, but the crawling will apparently throw her signals and timing off, so we’ll see how that goes. Quinn wears cotton training pants during the day to help catch any “misses,” and it’s been working – she’s been out of diapers for several weeks now.

Declan’s been wearing Mike’s old military watch, and he’s dying to learn how to tell time. Anytime anyone asks him what time it is, he generally answers “5:30.” Not sure why. He’s identifying more and more letters and their related sounds and wants to know what everything says, usually after we’ve driven by it and have no idea what it was. When he draws a particular shape or a letter, he asks for feedback, and if we offer suggestions to help, instead of incorporating them into his picture, he says, “I do it a different way.” His imagination is growing by leaps and bounds, and his imaginary friends “Big 2” and an occasionally appearing “Big 3” help to balance out “Hocalo,” who apparently “died.” He’s not sad about Hocalo dying, since he said his spirit is in heaven with God, even though his body is down here. Sometimes Hocalo is referred to as alive, but when I ask about that, he says, “That’s the other Hocalo.” Declan’s starting to ask about where aspects of his dinner come from, and he’s working out the difference between milk *from* a cow and meat that *was* the cow, as well as eggs from chickens and, well, chicken from chickens. He absolutely loves to make Quinn laugh, and her giggles only encourage him.

D: “What’s a ‘word,’ mommy?”
Me: “I don’t know, honey, what’s a ‘word’?”
D: “It tells you what to say!”

Declan and Quinn at Awosting Falls

Mommy watches as Declan explores a fun waterslide at Miles’ 3rd birthday party

The kids had a great time at the annual gun club BBQ – here’s Declan making a huge bubble, with cutie Norah in the background, a girl on-the-go!

We’re so excited that our friend Heather bought a second home in New Paltz! We met in college, and we’re thrilled to be seeing more of her nowadays. Here she is with Quinn, relaxing at the BBQ.

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Summer Time….

We are trying to maximize what’s left of summer and are enjoying lots of time in the water and gathering with friends and family at various get-togethers.

Here are two pix from this past week – one of Declan splashing around in nearby Lake Minnewaska, and one of Quinlan hanging out with buddy Luca at his Amma Jackie and Grappa Dondo’s house during their “Timpano Madness” party.

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Declan Is 3 Years Old!

My “baby” is three years old now! Declan’s birthday was this past Saturday, and we celebrated with a small gathering at a local playground and ate cupcakes. He even wore his new “Little Engine That Could” shirt for the occasion.

After the party, we had a great time at the county fair. It’s the first one Declan was old enough to really enjoy, and he had a blast on the kiddy rides, drinking copious amounts of lemonade, seeing all kinds of animals, and playing games.

I have to confess that I became a little depressed as age three approached, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. After thinking a lot about it, I realized that I think it’s because by age three, I thought I’d finally know something about parenting and would kind of have it worked out by now. Ha. I know many of you are smiling at that one!

Here’s to “winging it” for many, many more birthdays to come!


“Swing battah-battah-battah…..”

Quinn wishes D a happy birthday

Playing “Wack ‘N Smash” at the fair, mommy’s favorite game


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Whitefield Memories

Erica and her brother George vacationed in Whitefield, NH almost every summer while growing up, just like our dad did before us. We always spent lots of time with our cousins, picked berries, hiked, fished, went swimming, etc. Now the tradition continues with our children! Kai seemed to enjoy her first visit to End Hut and the Homestead, and Declan loved having a playmate around, first cousin Kai (18 mos.), then cousin Alex Taylor (3.5 yrs.). Quinn got hugged, kissed, and passed around by the relatives, too. The kids missed seeing Grandma and Grandpa Chase, but they all look forward to seeing them for different visits in August.

Playing trains with Kai on the Homestead porch

A very determined Kai helping us to put on our sunglasses

Dancing together during our sing-along

Declan kept saying “I’m doing buckwheat.” He did this for a long time, and we have no idea what that means.

Cousin Alex and Declan on their way to blueberry picking (mostly blueberry eating!)

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Meeting Great Grandma!

Quinn and Erica flew down to Florida to help cheer up Great Grandma Chandler who hasn’t been feeling well, lately. Quinn enjoyed meeting her Great Grandma and smiled and laughed the whole time! Great Grandma didn’t seem to notice that her great granddaughter weighs a “petite” 19 pounds, as she lifted her up and down to play. While lying on her back, even. Kids are such good medicine!

Miles of smiles

Helping Quinn to eat her own foot

Four generations

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Gumpa’s 95th Birthday!

We helped Gumpa/Great-Grandpa celebrate his 95th birthday with a yummy cake (and frosting kisses!). May you celebrate many more!

Kiddos cuddling up with Gumpa.

Make a wish……

Grandpa hiding behind Princess Quinlan.

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