We have bunnies! After Declan told us he really wanted a bunny, we found two free bunnies with hutches off of Craig’s List and picked them up this week. Declan named the male “Monster Truck” and the female “Hopper” whom I keep calling Bun-Bun for some inexplicable reason.
Genius Renaissance Man Mike renovated the large hutch with a screened in wall so the two bunnies can be close together, but not, you know, that close. We are learning a ton about rabbits, including the fact that they are very hard to catch. We let them loose in our fenced in area while Mike worked on the coop, and well, you know that phrase “quick like a bunny?” Um, it’s taken on a whole new meaning for us.
We’ve looked into spaying/neutering them but haven’t moved on it yet. When the two were out and about hopping around, they sniffed noses a couple of times, but nothing more than that. Then, faster than you can say “Don’t you want to get to know each other first?” Monster Truck was on top of Hopper doing, well, what bunnies do. We’ve never seen anyone move so fast in our lives! So we separated them, they hopped in opposite directions, and then they went at it again, unreal!
We finally caught Monster Truck and put him back in his hutch while Mike finished up the hutch make-over. We then got to enjoy Hopper interact with the chickens (the chickens kept circling her, utterly captivated, like, what. is. that.?!) and Easy came outside to have a look.
Easy, our mellow 12-year old greyhound who doesn’t react to cats, squirrels, chipmunks, chickens, crazy toddlers, and anything else he’s been exposed to here over the years, well, Mr. Perfect apparently has got something in him for rabbits. We’re not sure what, since we haven’t let him explore it too fully, but he had a couple of sniffs of the rabbit and then kind of lunged toward her. Maybe she’s bringing back memories for him of chasing the decoy at the racetrack years ago? Anyway, we had to keep him out of the action while she was hopping around checking things out.
While the bunnies are in the hutch, he sniffs around like he would any tree or bush but doesn’t seems especially fascinated or anything. Just when they’re out loose. Later on, we tried a harness/leash with Hopper but she slipped right out of it, so we’re still figuring out how to give her some free-range time but still catch-able afterwards.
Declan, so excited about his rabbit, Monster Truck.

Quinny looks on as buddy Livi tempts Hopper with a bunny favorite.

Checking out her bunny’s new digs.

We attended a local minor-leagues Renegades baseball game this week with buddy Olin and had loads of fun. Our team lost (5-3) but no one could put a damper on these fans’ faces!