The kids had an absolute blast last Sunday, and it’s no wonder: their day consisted of a circus, grandparents, and ice cream! Their looks of astonishment at the performers and the animals alone was worth the price of admission. We also fulfilled our quota, and then some, of cotton candy consumption. : )
We are beginning again with our fish tank, and last week we picked up two zebra fish. They kind of look like glorified minnows to me, but a week later, they’re still alive! Hooray! So hopefully we’ll add to the tank this week with another fish or two.
The chicks, they are a-free-rangin’! We lost one pretty early on, not sure whose dinner she turned out to be, but so far, the rest of them have been fine, except for the grown hens picking on them and stealing their food.
Circus smiles.

Taking in the trapeze artists.

One day Declan created a store upstairs. He sold all kinds of stuff, for “real money, Mom.” He kept saying, “Thank you for shopping at Shop Rite. May I help you carry your things to your car?” Quinny helped out at the register.

Checking out our new fish.

I bought my first vanilla shake since the place had run out of malt as well as chocolate mint ice cream. I got exactly 2 sips of it before someone else enjoyed it for me…..

Hanging around… at Gemma and Papa’s house.

Quinny gives “chicken run” a whole new meaning as the chicks begin to free-range for the first time, while Declan cheers in the background.