D taught himself how to pump the swing! So cool, watching him maneuver his body and observing the results until he struck just the right rhythm.
I just got back from a few days in Cape May with the kids – those pix will be posted soon.
D taught himself how to pump the swing! So cool, watching him maneuver his body and observing the results until he struck just the right rhythm.
I just got back from a few days in Cape May with the kids – those pix will be posted soon.
Mike and I were honored this weekend with a “Going Out On A Limb” award from the New Paltz Social Society for our local parenting website, hudsonvalleyparents.com. We’re so grateful for this community of over 1,400 members that has come together in a way we never could have dreamed of four years ago when our little playgroup of 8 friends began.
Some other shots from the day we received the award. The event was a fundraiser at a local farm for our friend’s 12-year old nephew battling a rare form of cancer.
Here’s a shot of Declan making brownies with his new hand-mixer he picked up at the event’s yard sale. He couldn’t wait to use it!
Mike’s been celebrating lots of good transitions lately, including a new job at IBM back in open source software development. Congratulations! He also just got himself a new motorcycle! It’s a blue 2007 Suzuki VStrom 650 to replace his BMW, currently up for sale.
“Mike” changing my snow tires. (Insert your own funny child labor caption here….)
We lost our Brown Leghorn chicken this week to a neighbor dog from down the street who attacked while wandering through our yard. I scared it away, not knowing at the time that it had messed with our birds, and I found “Chipmunky” later that morning on her side, but still alive. I couldn’t see any wounds at the time, so I righted her, carried her over to the coop by some food and water, and she seemed to improve during the rest of the day. Mike found her the next morning dead on the floor of the coop when he opened it up. Four hens left. Mike moved the coop inside of the dog fence to encourage them to run inside when attacked by predators, since dogs can’t get in.
The eight baby chicks are doing well, feathering out, and growing so fast! Only one has retained the original chick cuteness, the White Brahma. She’s kind of the runt of the pack right now, which made a lot more sense after I looked up her breed today, and it’s one known to mature slowly. The rest of the ones we have mature on the early side. So, she’ll need the light longer than the others will, slower to grow, etc.
The kids are loving this divine spring weather and appreciating the (finally!) coat-free temperatures.
Demonstrating superhero moves with Olin.
Quinn discovers soccer-gear-as-accessories during D’s weekly practice.
First off, Happy 40th Anniversary, Grandma and Grandpa Chase!! Wishing you great health and happiness as you move into these next 40 years! xoxoxo
This weekend we were finally let-in on a beautiful secret project Declan has been working on with Gemma for weeks. He has greatly enjoyed randomly mentioning “There’s no project at Gemma’s house,” and “We’re not going to have a party about our project,” with confused responses from his parents.
Sunday was the scheduled unveiling of this work, and we walked into Gemma and Papa’s house full of festive decorations and party food. Declan then presented a card to us (complete with homemade envelope Gemma showed him how to make) that was decorated like a mirror and written backwards so we couldn’t read it! Declan brought us over to a bathroom mirror and held it up, and we could finally make out this mysterious introduction to the upcoming surprise.
He then proudly led us upstairs to where the project was. Gemma beamed throughout her “reflections” to us of her appreciation in working with Declan and what a good job he did on this, from understanding the initial sketches to creating the final piece.
When they unveiled the masterpiece – wow!!!! It is a gorgeous, mosaic mirror that will beautifully adorn Gemma and Papa’s bedroom, right over her dresser. What an amazing and interesting mirror to look at, I can’t wait until you can see it yourselves!! Thank you for this wonderful and unique experience, Gemma!
Papa jokingly asked which piece was the one that *he* put on, and Declan enjoyed telling him how he didn’t put ANY on, that he was busy “working in the garage” the whole time.
We were all excited that Aunt Colleen came down for a visit and got to see our baby chicks. Here’s Quinn eyeing her salad.
Crafting at a recent local family dance party fundraiser for Operation Smile.
The chicks outgrew their cardboard box and we have now moved them into the downstairs shower. Have I told you lately how much I love my husband?! Great idea, Mike! The chicks seem to love their new home, including a cool mini-roost Mike constructed for them, and Quinn likes getting right in there to hold them.
We finally broke out the shorts! Warm weather has arrived, and so have the popsicles. Here are D and Livi taking five after some trampoline time.
Our beautiful, doe-like canine spitfire sweetheart died this Saturday of old age. We feel so fortunate to have had Cleo in our lives for most of her 11.5 years.
Ico Cleopatra (her official racing name) was really “Easy’s dog.” After our wonderful standard poodle Hershey died, Easy flipped out and we contacted the local greyhound group for another dog, stat! A racetrack champ forced to retire at the industry standard of age 5, Cleo was ready for a home right when we called. Our liaison met up with us on at a halfway point on the Thruway hours later and we met our girl. We quickly learned that neither Cleo, nor Easy for that matter, was your average grey.
Easy is basically perfect, a sweet, gentle guy, and we thought all greyhounds were like him. Suckers.
Cleo not only didn’t like cats, but she barked (unusual for greys), unprovoked, whenever she passed another animal on our walks. She also barked whenever Papa Salerno or Grandpa Chase would come visit. After Declan was born, she barked whenever he cried during his first couple of days home with us. But she was all bark, and no bite. With us, she was a real mush.
Her adventures with us include a harrowing escape from the kennel a few years ago while we were far away in Florida, patiently tolerating dozens and dozens of curious friendly and clumsy curious toddlers including two growing up with her, roaming chickens, miles of walks in the woods, and plenty of nuzzling.
Cleo was so gentle with us, and so bossy with Easy. She was just what he needed – a boss. She would growl or bark at him to switch beds with her, and she taught him how to bark. Whatever she wanted, she got, even if it meant needling him until he acquiesced. Easy was just what she needed, a manager. He made sure she ate, went outside to do her business, and he personally “cleared” any treats before she would even bother to look interested in them.
Cleo was such a mix of fire and sweetness, having her in my life helped me to tune into my own inner fire. I also consider her part of some divine preparation in my life before having Quinn, who shares a similar spirit.
What have I always appreciated most about Cleo? What will stay with me? The fact that she was always unequivocally and unapologetically *herself.* And that her true self was still lovable despite, and maybe even because of, that fierceness she was able to tap into so easily.
We love you, Cleo.
Meeting Cleo for the first time, seeing if the dogs would get along.
A final picture of Cleo, with a view of the fence we specifically built for her so the former race champ could run around freely in the yard. She rarely did, maybe a lap or two now and again.
We picked up our new batch of 8 chicks this week, each one a different breed:
Araucana, Buff Orpington, White Rock, Silver Wyndotte, White Brahma, Barred Rock, Black Australorp, and New Hampshire Red.
For the next few weeks, they’ll be in a box in our downstairs bathroom under a heatlamp, 95-100 degrees, and we’ll lower the temperature by about 5 degrees each week until they feather out. They they’ll be in a slightly bigger box, no lamp, continuing to grow. When they’re bigger, we’ll put them outside in the coop with their own run (separated from the mature hens). Finally, when they’re a bit larger, sometime this summer, they’ll begin to free-range. They should start laying eggs sometime this fall.
At the store looking at all of the chicks.
Declan picked all of them out himself with a patient employee. “No, not that one, that one….”
We can’t stop staring at the chicks now that we’ve got them home. They’re so cute!! Declan went to work immediately on decorating their new digs with a stick, some rocks, and a Spiderman puzzle-box for a “couch.”
We sure had fun with all of the egg hunts and egg decorating that led up to Easter this year. Then we spent Sunday afternoon enjoying Easter dinner with Grandma and Grandpa.
Happy Spring!
Indoor egg hunt with buddy Livi
Then they wanted an outdoor egg hunt!
Here’s some stuff we did this week.
Daddy and Declan making some yummy calzones for dinner.
Quinny riding her birthday present from her parents, a Strider bike (no pedals, kind of like a sitting scooter).
We lost our first hen to a natural predator this week. A Cooper’s Hawk (they’re huge!) grabbed our black and white Barred Rock hen with its talons, then seems to have lost its grip in flight. Mike found the wounded hen later on, hiding behind our house. Upon closer inspection, he saw a big chunk was missing from her back, along with some punctures in her neck. We agreed that the merciful thing to do was to end her suffering. Mike took care of the bird and we breasted her, appreciating her sacrifice in some soup the next day.
The good news is that we’re starting to see an increase in egg production! Spring must be coming.
For those who were wondering, we won’t be producing maple syrup this year. I was overwhelmed by the garage construction and my monthly healing retreats, and I just couldn’t manage another big task this season. I’m gearing up for next year and looking forward to identifying more maples on our property in the meantime.
D wanted to make heart-shaped donuts one morning. I rarely work with hot oil and was afraid of frying our faces off, but I took the plunge and we gave it a go. It was easy, and they were delicious! Buttermilk donuts with chocolate frosting. YUM!!
Some pictures from the day. Gemma and Papa came over for a brief birthday visit before their appointment, and that evening, we hosted a pizza party for a few friends.
Here’s a picture of Q enjoying the ice cream pie Declan made for her. No, she doesn’t look radiantly happy, but at least she’s doing better than…..
THIS one. Not sure what set her off but between the singing, the candles, and whatever else was going on with her, she was upset about something.
Quinn was drawing with Papa, telling him exactly which marker to use and where to draw on the paper. This “look” and the accompanying verbal scolding and hand signal mean NO, you may NOT leave for your doctor’s appointment. He kept trying to say get up and say good-bye, and she wouldn’t have any of it!
Toddler fun decorating their own cupcakes (Emily, Norah, Q).